Tested with Kickstart 1.3, 2.04 and 3.0 - 1 Meg required|
1. Create/Edit Garden|
Clicking on this brings up a new menu asking for the shape of the garden,| or you can draw out your own shape. The preset shapes are only for rough| designs, if you want to draw the garden to scale select the user-defined| shape.|
If you selected user-defined then a new screen will appear with 1 line = | 3½ ft (1.06m) printed at the bottom. Clicking the left mouse button (LMB)| will print a hyphen "-" at the position of the crosshair - each one of| these is 3½ ft. or 1.06 metres, if you click the right mouse button (RMB),| you will get a vertical line each one of these is also 3½ ft. or 1.06| metres. If you make a mistake, then the spacebar will delete the line| under the crosshair.|
After you have finished drawing the shape of your garden, press "q" and a| shed should appear near your crosshair. Clicking the LMB places the shed,| and the keys "." and "," (the ones which also have ">" and "<" on them)| cycle through all the items. Pressing "q" exits and returns to the main| menu. |
* NEW! * Pressing the HELP key brings up a screen showing what all the|
different symbols mean.|
* NEW! * Pressing space removes items up to when the screen last updated|
(Up to 12 Items) - See Note Below|
Every now and then there will be a pause and the screen will blank then| reappear again. There is no way to avoid this (well, no way I know of!)| Sorry...|
After returning to the menu, you have the option of displaying your| creation, saving it to disk in UDG (User designed garden) format, or in| IFF, so you can load it into DPaint or another paint program and print it.| Remember that TGD cannot load IFF files.|
If you have a garden saved on disk that you want to edit, just click on| Load, select the file you wish to load, click on Create/Edit Garden, then| select Edit loaded garden and place the items as described above.|
Quitting TGD is even easier - just click on quit!|
History? What history? This is the first release!|
This is the second "Release", which is better than the first release!!|
In fact, it's the third release: even better!|
Other Stuff|
TGD was written in AMOS, and based on a program we wrote for the Spectrum +3| called "The Garden Creator", even though TGD is completely different!|
Amiga Kickstart is a trademark of Commodore-Amiga Inc.|